Back to school

Sometimes you have to take a leap into the new and unknown. For me, this means going back to school. I’ve enrolled in an intensive Masters course at Kings C0llege London, to study Conflict Resolution in Deeply Divided Societies. My work has always involved bringing groups of people together to understand and then overcome differences in order to achieve a growth outcome. And for a long time, I’ve imagined that the skills we develop in the organisational challenges facing international business could be applied in other geopolitical contexts. So, I’m heading back to the literal classroom, which I must confess is way, way outside my comfort zone. And I am thrilled about it! Because for me, the challenge of comfort zones is that they don’t motivate transformational action. So - I’ll be restricting my comfort zone to my downtime, and I’ll be spending my waking hours diving deep into a completely new subject, with guidance from global experts, and the companionship of my fellow students. Back to school feels like back to life!


Les Olympiades